Resources for Patients

The IBD Centre of BC offers multiple resources to help patients, their families and healthcare professionals understand more about IBD.



The resources listed in this document are for educational purposes only. They are not a substitute for the care and knowledge that a qualified healthcare provider can provide to you. You assume full responsibility for how you choose to use this information.

Mental Health

  • I am having a mental health emergency.

    If you are in danger of hurting yourself or someone else, call 911 or go to a hospital emergency department right away.

  • I want to work with a mental health provider

    BC Association of Social Workers Directory
    BC Counsellors Directory
    BC Psychological Association Directory
    Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Directory
    Foundry Directory Ages 12-24 (inclusive).
    Foundry Virtual Directory Ages 12-24 (inclusive).
    Mental Health & Substance Use Directory
  • Anger

    MoodJuice – Anger Self-Help Guide Workbook An educational and self-help guide to anger management, from the McGill University Counselling Department.
    Problems With Anger: Self-Help Guide Workbook An online self-help guide for people who experience mild-to-moderate difficulties with anger.
  • Anxiety & Worry

    Anxiety Canada Website Anxiety Canada was created to raise awareness about anxiety and support access to resources and treatment.
    Anxiety Canada – My Anxiety Plan Course My Anxiety Plan is an anxiety management program based on cognitive-behavioural therapy, an evidence-based psychological treatment.
    BounceBack Course BounceBack is a free skill-building program designed to help adults and youth (age 15+) manage low mood, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress, and/or worry.
    CBT Skills Group Course An online, group-based program that combines CBT, mindfulness, and emotion regulation skills. It’s free, but you need to be referred by a physician.
    Kelty’s Key – Anxiety Course Access to free self help program for anxiety
    Kelty’s Key – Panic Course Access to free self help program for panic
    Problems With Anxiety: Self-Help Guide Workbook An online self-help guide for people who experience mild-to-moderate difficulties with anxiety.
    Mindshift App An app that gives you access to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy tools to tackle worry, panic, perfectionism, social anxiety and phobias.
    Anxiety Canada – Self-Help Strategies for Panic Workbook
    Anxiety Canada – Dealing with Panic Attacks the BRAVE Way Website
    Panic: Self-Help Guide Workbook An online self-help guide for people who experience panic symptoms.
    Phobias: Self-Help Guide Workbook An online self-help guide for people who experience specific phobia symptoms.
    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Self-Help Guide Workbook An online self-help guide for people who experience mild-moderate OCD symptoms
    Social Anxiety: Self-Help Guide Workbook An online self-help guide for people who experience social anxiety symptoms.
    Palouse Mindfulness Course This online MBSR training course is 100% free, created by a fully certified MBSR instructor, and is based on the program founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.
    Headspace App An app to learn meditation and mindfulness, and choose from hundreds of guided meditations for managing stress, sleep, focus and mind-body health.
    Healthy Minds App A problem solving tool that gives you access to a mood tracker, journal, problem solving guides, coping strategies and breathing exercises.
    Calm App Gives you access to various guided meditations, mindfulness resources and relaxation sounds.
    BellyBio App Helps you practice deep breathing by providing biofeedback and music in sync with your breathing
    Sanvello App Provides strategies for coping with stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health concerns.
    Get Self Help Website Access to various cognitive behavioural therapy self-help tools for anxiety, depression, disordered eating and ADHD.
    International OCD Foundation Website Access to various brochures, fact sheets, handouts and list of books regarding obsessive compulsive disorder.
    Center for Clinical Interventions Workbooks Access to free self-help resources on variety of topics including anxiety, depression, procrastination and assertiveness.
    UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center: Website Access, listen and download free guided meditations in English and Spanish.
    Mindful Website Access to guides on getting started with a mindfulness practice and articles about the science of mindfulness.
    Moodgym Course Provides self-help training in cognitive behavioral therapy to help you prevent or manage symptoms of depression and anxiety ( Paid service- 12 month subscription costs around $40)
    Canadian Mental Health Association Course Access to information and online mental health courses
    A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook Book (Stahl & Goldstein, 2019)
  • Attention, Concentration, & Task Management

    Bullet Journals Website Bullet Journalling is one part productivity system, one part mindfulness exercise. You can learn about the technique (and buy an official notebook) on their website – but, any other notebook works!
    Seneca College – Assignment Calculator Website This calculator will help you break down your assignment or project into manageable steps.
    The Pomodoro Technique Website
    Problem Solving: Self-Help Guide Workbook This self-help guide walks you through the process of identifying and solving problems.
    Scattered Minds: The Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder Book (Maté, 2011)
    Center for Clinical Interventions Workbooks Access to free self help resources on variety of topics including procrastination and perfectionism
    Time Management Strategies Workshop Course An interactive online workshop about scheduling and self monitoring
    Tide App A focus app that allows you to listen to calming sounds while completing tasks
    Forest App An app that supports you in focusing on your tasks and decreasing distractions.
    Stay Focused App An android app that allows you to block apps and websites to help you focus on your studies and task
    Todoist App  Allows you to organize your tasks, assignments and to do list.
    Centre for ADHD Awareness, Canada(CADDAC) Website Information, resources and support groups for ADHD.
    Kelty Mental Health Website Information on ADHD.
  • Chronic Pain

    Kelty’s Key – Chronic Pain Course
    Pain BC Website Pain BC aims to enhance the well-being of all people living with pain through empowerment, care, education and innovation.
    Chronic Pain: Self-Help Guide Workbook An online self-help guide for people who experience chronic pain.
    Self-Management BC Website Self-Management BC offers free health programs for adults of all ages living with one or more ongoing health conditions. Programs are offered in person, virtually, online, by telephone, or by mail for adults living in BC.
    Manage My Pain App Allows you to track, analyze and share your pain data.
    Alberta Health Services – Chronic Pain Management Lecture Series Course Access to series of 10 free lectures regarding the nature of pain and the way your body’s systems are affected by pain.
    The Pain Toolkit Workshops Course Access to online interactive workshops for health care professionals and people who live with persistent pain.
    Pain Support Website A UK based website that has information about pain relief techniques, as well as access to a discussion forum for people with chronic pain.
    Living beyond your pain: Using acceptance and commitment therapy to ease chronic pain Book (Dahl & Lundgren, 2006)
    Curable App Access to psychoeducational tools regarding chronic pain and a series of guided exercises.
  • Depression & Low Mood

    BounceBack Course BounceBack is a free skill-building program designed to help adults and youth (age 15+) manage low mood, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress, or worry. Delivered online or over the phone with a coach, you will get access to tools that will support you on your path to mental wellness.
    CBT Skills Group Course This is an online group that combines CBT, mindfulness, and emotion regulation skills. It’s free, but you need to be referred by a physician.
    Kelty’s Key – Depression Course
    Problems With Depression: Self-Help Guide Workbook An online self-help guide for people who experience mild-to-moderate difficulties with depression.
    Problem Solving: Self-Help Guide Workbook Problem solving is an evidence-based treatment for depressive symptoms. This self-help guide walks you through the process of identifying and solving problems.
    Center for Clinical Interventions Workbooks Access to free self help resources on variety of topics including depression and tolerating distress
    Healthy Minds App A problem solving tool that gives you access to a mood tracker, journal, problem solving guides, coping strategies and breathing exercises.
    Sanvello App Provides strategies for coping with stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health concerns.
    Get Self Help Website Access to various cognitive behavioral therapy self help tools for anxiety, depression, disordered eating and ADHD.
    Moodgym Course Provides self-help training in cognitive behavioral therapy to help you prevent or manage symptoms of depression and anxiety ( Paid service- 12 month subscription costs around $40)
    Canadian Mental Health Association Course Access to information and online mental health courses
    Mind Over Mood, Second Edition: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think Book (Greenberger & Padesky, 2015)
    The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living: A Guide to ACT Book (Harris & Hayes, 2008)
    The mindful way workbook: An 8-week program to free yourself from depression and emotional distress Book (Teasdale, Williams & Segal, 2014)
    Moodmission App provides individually tailored activities to help you cope with life’s general challenges.
  • Eating Disorders

    Body Image and Eating Disorders Support Website
    NHS Inform: Anorexia Nervosa Website An educational website on anorexia nervosa.
    NHS Inform: Binge Eating Disorder Website An educational website on binge eating disorder.
    NHS Inform: Bulimia Nervosa Website An educational website on bulimia nervosa.
    Looking Glass Foundation Website Provides program, resources and information for eating disorders and disordered eating
    Community Eating Disorder Programs in BC Website  A comprehensive list of eating disorder treatment programs across British Columbia. Programs can be filtered by age, location, program type, and eating disorder type.
    Provincial Adult Tertiary Eating Disorder Program Website  A BC program that provides specialized

    clinical services, inpatient, and outpatient programs for individuals aged 17+

    National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) Website A Canadian directory of services,

    and source for statistics, trends, and research information. NEDIC operates Canada’s only national toll-free helpline (416-340-4156 or toll-free: 1-866-633-4220) and instant chat

    program which provides support, information and referrals to individuals struggling with food and weight preoccupation issues, as well as the families, friends, and professionals who care

    for them

    Change Creates Change Eating Disorder Care Website A group of eating disorder treatment

    centres with offices across Canada, including one in Langley, British Columbia. Their clinical

    teams are made up of dietitians and therapists skilled in the treatment of eating disorders in

    children, youth, and adults. In BC, they provide fee-for-service in-person and virtual services

    to individuals of all ages struggling with eating disorders and disordered eating


    Jessie’s Legacy Website Focusing on awareness and prevention, Jessie’s Legacy is a BC-based organization that offers education, training and resources on eating disorder prevention and body image issues.


    Recovery Warriors Website A website dedicated to boosting the emotional intelligence and

    resilience of people struggling with depression, anxiety and eating disorders. Their free app is designed to help individuals struggling with food, dieting, exercise and

    body image


    NEDA Toolkits Workbook This US-based organization has a lot of helpful resources for people in recovery, and for those who want to learn and help. Free PDF toolkits are available for parents, athletic coaches, educators, and workplaces.


    Let Us Eat Cake Podcast Podcast hosted by two Vancouver-based Registered Dietitians that aims to tackle weight stigma and diet culture. They also host ‘Snacktime & Chill’, a meal support

    session every weekday at 3pm on Instagram: @eatcakepod.

    Center for Clinical Interventions Workbooks Access to free self help resources on variety of topics including appearance concerns, body dysmorphia and disordered eating.
  • Gambling

    Gambling Support BC Website Free prevention, treatment and support services are also available for anyone struggling with their own or a loved one’s gambling.

    Tel. 24/7: 1-888-795-6111


    Problem Gambling: Self-Help Guide Workbook An online self-help guide for people who experience problem gambling.
  • Grief and Loss

    Bereavement and Grief: Self-Help Guide Workbook This self-help guide is for people experiencing bereavement and grief.
    Kelty’s Key: Complicated Grief Course
  • Self-Esteem & Self-Compassion

    Self-Esteem: Self-Help Guide Website This self-help guide provided education on self-esteem and strategies to help improve self-esteem.
    Dr. Neff: Self-Compassion Website Self-compassion involves treating yourself with kindness and understanding. This website provides information on what self-compassion is, and different self-compassion exercises.
    Center for Clinical Interventions Workbooks Access to free self help resources on variety of topics including Self compassion, Self esteem, perfectionism , and assertiveness
  • Sleep

    Kelty’s Key Course
    Sink Into Sleep Website Find information about sleep and sleep disorders, and starting points for reversing chronic sleep problems.
    Sleepwell Website Sleepwell has two goals: 1) to help people with insomnia get their sleep back without medications; and 2) to help people stop taking sleeping pills safely and effectively. Sleepwell recommends CBTi (cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia) because it has excellent evidence that it works. The challenge for many is getting access to CBTi. This is where Sleepwell comes in.
    Sleep & Insomnia: Self-Help Guide Workbook An online self-help guide for people who experience sleep difficulties and insomnia symptoms.
    Center for Clinical Interventions Workbooks Access to free self help resources on variety of topics including sleep, and worry/rumination
    Loona App Relaxation activities to help you feel less stressed at night and get a good night sleep
    Headspace App Learn meditation and mindfulness, and choose from hundreds of guided meditations for managing stress, sleep, focus and mind-body health.
    Calm App Gives you access to various guided meditations, mindfulness resources and relaxation sounds
    Here to Help (Wellness Module) Website Information and strategies for getting a good night sleep.
    Insight Timer App Free guided meditation and relaxation sounds to help you sleep better, relax and focus.
  • Substance Use

    Kelty’s Key Course
    Low Risk Drinking Guidelines Website
    Quit Now Website QuitNow is a free program for British Columbians looking to quit or reduce tobacco and e-cigarette use, delivered by the BC Lung Foundation on behalf of the Government of British Columbia. We are here to help you quit and understand what happens when you stop smoking.
    Here to help Website We’re here to help you find quality information, learn new skills, and connect with key resources in BC. Explore strategies to help you take care of your mental health and use substances in healthier ways, find the information you need to manage mental health and substance use problems, and learn how you can support a loved one.
    BC Mental Health and Substance Use – Provincial Programming Website Access to mental health and substance use services
    Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Website The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is Canada’s largest mental health teaching hospital and one of the world’s leading research centres in its field. CAMH is fully affiliated with the University of Toronto and is a Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization Collaborating Centre.
  • Trauma

    BC Occupational Stress Injury Website BC-OSI is an outpatient program where clients who live with mental health conditions related to an operational stress injury and their families can find comprehensive clinical assessment and treatment services. Services are provided to BC residents who are veterans, members of the Canadian Forces, and members of the RCMP.
    National Centre for PTSD Website The National Center is the world’s leading research and educational center on PTSD. Its website includes educational resources on PTSD and treatment options.
    PTSD Treatment Decision Aid Website This free tool helps you see how different evidence-based PTSD treatments compare against one another. It also helps you think about which treatment might be best for you.
    PTSD and CPTSD: Self-Help Guide Workbook An online self-help guide for people who have experienced trauma.
  • Wellness

    Canada’s Food Guide Website
    Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines Website The Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines offer direction on what a healthy 24 hours looks like for Canadians children, youth, adults, and older adults.
    Options for Sexual Health Website
    Palouse Mindfulness Website This online MBSR training course is 100% free, created by a fully certified MBSR instructor, and is based on the program founded by Jon Kabat-Zinnl.
    UCSD Centre for Mindfulness Website The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness Resource web page.
    Self-Management BC Website Self-Management BC offers FREE health programs for adults of all ages living with one or more ongoing health conditions. Programs are offered in person, virtually, online, by telephone, or by mail for adults living in BC.
    MyGut App Free app that allows you to track, understand, and manage your journey with Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative Colitis
    MindHealth BC Website Access to an online assessment and finding resources to support your mental health.
    Web Smart Sex Resources Website Learn about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), testing options, find clinics, or chat with a nurse online.
    Sex & U Website Learn about sexual and reproductive health.
    MOSAIC Website A non-profit organization that supports immigrants, refugees and migrants. They provide various online programs and counselling services.
    Crisis Pregnancy Centre Website Offers free pregnancy tests, information on pregnancy, abortion procedures and risks, and Post Abortion support.
    myPlan App App A tool to help with safety decisions if you, or someone you care about, is experiencing abuse in their intimate relationship.
    All Trials app App  Allows you to browse and find a perfect hike, bike ride or trail.
    HabitBull App Allows you to build positive new habits
    Dialectical Behavior Therapy Workbook DBT focused resource which includes information/worksheets on mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance and interpersonal effectiveness.
    Association for Contextual Behavioral Science Website A list of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy based self-help books.
    Gutsy Support Website The Crohn’s and Colitis Canada’s Gutsy Support program allows you to connect with support staff and other people affected by Crohn’s or colitis, to get advice, emotional support, and information about living with IBD.
    Crohn’s and Colitis Canada Website Access to information and programs about coping with IBD.
    Intercultural Online Health Network (iCON) Website Access to chronic disease management information.
    Canadian Men’s Health Foundation Website A national registered charity providing information, tools and motivation for men and their families to live healthier.
    Wellness Together Website Offers free resources for mental health and substance use support.
    Canadian Mental Health Association Course Access to information and online mental health courses.
  • Other Mental Health Resources

    BC Mental Health and Substance Use – Provincial Programming BCMHSU provides highly specialized treatment for people across British Columbia with severe mental health and substance use/addiction issues, people in custody, and people who have been referred by the courts for assessment and treatment.
    Canadian Mental Health Association – BC Division The Canadian Mental Health Association provides mental health promotion and mental illness recovery-focused programs and services for people of all ages and their families. Follow the links below for details.
    Centre for Addiction and Mental Health The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is Canada’s largest mental health teaching hospital and one of the world’s leading research centres in its field. CAMH is fully affiliated with the University of Toronto and is a Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization Collaborating Centre.
    Discovery College Discovery College offers free courses on a range of mental health topics, such as mindfulness, healthy boundaries, and self-care. All courses were created in collaboration with people who have personal experience with mental health.
    Here to Help We’re here to help you find quality information, learn new skills, and connect with key resources in BC. Explore strategies to help you take care of your mental health and use substances in healthier ways, find the information you need to manage mental health and substance use problems, and learn how you can support a loved one.
    Mental and Behavioural Health Learning Centre The Health Link BC Learning Centre has mental health information in one place so that you can easily find what you are looking for.
    Qmunity Resource centre for queer, trans and two spirited individuals.
    Trans Care BC Focused on providing information and resources for accessing gender affirming health care and support.
    First Nations Health Authority Provides information for First Nations communities on mental wellness, substance use prevention and treatment, residential treatment centers and overdose information.
    British Columbia Schizophrenia Society Provides information regarding services and resources to support families affected by schizophrenia.
    Fraser Health Provides information regarding available mental health services.
    Healing in Colour Access to a directory of BIPOC therapists.
    Find Support BC Connects persons with disabilities with resources available to them. Their database generates a list of resources based on age, disability, region and city in BC.
    Food Guide Canada Eating well during pregnancy helps to provide you and your baby with the nutrients you need.
  • Other Health Resources

    Phone: 211 211 provides information and referral services for community and government programs, including 211, VictimLink, and the Responsible and Problem Gambling Program.
    Phone: 811 8-1-1 is a free-of-charge provincial health information and advice phone line available in British Columbia. By calling 8-1-1, you can speak to a health service navigator, who can help you find health information and services; or connect you directly with a registered nurse, a registered dietitian, a qualified exercise professional, or a pharmacist.
    Health Link BC Service Search The HealthLink BC Directory provides listings for health services provided by the provincial government, provincial health authorities, and non-profit agencies across the province.
    Urgent & Primary Care Centres Urgent and Primary Care Centres (UPCCs) provide access to same-day, urgent, non-emergency health care. UPCCs are often open evening, weekends and statutory holidays (actual hours vary by clinic). UPCCs provide an alternative to visiting an emergency department for non-emergency issues.
    Bridge – Building research in IBD Globally BRIDGe is composed of a group of gastroenterologists who are all experts in IBD-patient care and focused on patient-centered clinical IBD research.
    Biologic treatment in BC for IBD patients PharmaCare for B.C. Residents – Biosimilars Initiative for Patients.
    Access and Assessment Center at VGH Supports individuals and families to access mental health and substance use services in Vancouver. Services include referral intake, on-site assessment, crisis intervention, and short term treatment.
    Medimap See available walk in clinics and wait times, and book an appointment.

Nutrition Services

  • Nutrition in IBD Remission

    This document provides an in-depth look at the role of nutrition for individuals living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in remission. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balanced and nutrient-rich diet to support ongoing gut health and overall well-being. The document explores basic concepts, dietary strategies that can help prevent flare-ups, promote sustained remission, and address common nutritional deficiencies associated with IBD. By following these guidelines, patients can better manage their condition, improve their quality of life, and reduce the risk of complications.

    To download this document, please click here.

    By Alexandra Haggis, RD.

  • Sample Meal Plan for IBD patients During a Flare

    This meal plan provides a curated selection of meal suggestions and recipes designed to be gentle on the digestive system while meeting nutritional needs. These meals take into consideration the challenges of managing symptoms like inflammation, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort; focusing on easily digestible, low-residue foods that are less likely to irritate the gut.

    The goal is to offer a variety of balanced meals that are both nourishing and soothing, helping patients manage their condition while still enjoying flavorful, satisfying foods.

    To download this document, please click here.

  • IBD Kitchen Cookbook

    Crohn’s and Colitis Canada (CCC)offers a dedicated IBD Kitchen resource on their website, featuring a wide variety of recipes tailored to the needs of individuals living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). These recipes are designed to support digestive health and cater to common dietary restrictions, helping patients manage their symptoms while enjoying flavorful and nourishing meals.

    The resource also provides practical tips and nutritional insights to empower IBD patients in making informed food choices that suit their unique health requirements.

    Find these resources by visiting this link.

  • Eating Disorders & IBD: Understanding the Connection

    Eating disorders and IBD are complex health conditions that can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. While they may seem unrelated at first glance, research shows that these two issues can intersect in profound ways. Understanding the relationship between eating disorders and IBD can be helpful for effective treatment and support.

    Read this article to learn more.

  • Nutrition During an IBD Flare

    Getting adequate nutrition during an IBD flare is very important to help support the healing of the gut, minimize weight loss, and prevent malnutrition. It can be challenging to do this, though, as many people have active symptoms in a flare that may interfere with eating. This handout will provide dietary strategies to minimize your symptoms while optimizing your nutrition.

    To download this document, please click here.